Copywriting Perth

Copywriting Experts In Perth

Copywriting Services


Content can make or break a website, why not hire copywriting experts?
There is a belief that anyone can write good content,   if that was the case, then SEO Experts would be out of employment. Today content is king and good copywriting made for websites is backed by great content writing which incorporates white hut seo.

We take pride in providing you with content that is SEO Optimised, readable, is well researched and converts.

We write web content that includes, web pages, blogs etc.  With the content that we prepare, we make sure that we put the right headings, keywords, check on the keyword density, linking(where appropriate etc.)

Copywriting Services Australia

Great Content Is One Of The Key Ingredients For Good SE0


At Oround Web design,  we have been, helping clients with content for sometime now.  We take pride in ensuring that we research your niche, optimise the content so that your website can rank higher on Google rankings. Writing great content is part of great SEO though not SEO. Research has shown that websites that regularly update their content get a ranking boost from Google.

Why you get your content written by us?


We take pride in sitting with you and discussing how best we can help you achieve your goals, over a coffee, roundtable discussion or via Zoom.  This helps us evaluate where you are and what you expect, what you want to do and together with you, we are able to decide the best course of action to take.  Our goal is to bring as many qualified leads as possible to your business or organisation.. We treasure our customers and take their success seriously. When you succeed, we also do.

At Oround Web Design its our commitment to you that when we provide you with content for your website, our copywriting, will meet  your needs, be it through a more leads, sales, or just providing more clarity on a product or service. Contact us here for specialist advise. 

Why Our Content Is Special

1. Research

Firstly we research your niche and insure that the content we provide will be found relevant for your target audience. It’s a no brainer that visitors to a website will stay longer, if they find the content they are looking and is helpful to them, but a website will have a high  bounce rate if the content they are offering doesn’t meet the users needs.

2. Plagiarism Checking

After research, we make sure that our content goes through a plagiarism checker. This is all done in an effort to produce bespoke content.  With this our clients can be rest assured that they are getting copy  that’s truly theirs and doesn’t exist anywhere on the web.

3. Consultation

We thoroughly consult with you to learn more about your business, this allows us to get a couple of keywords you want to target for and we add a few we fill would be relevant for  your business. Afterwards we create content with the keywords obtained.

4. Keyword Splashing.

Because we understand SEO, we ensure that the content we provide you, is not one that is full of keywords splashed everywhere thus making your content keyword rich but irrelevant. It’s in our DNA to always provide you with copy that is void of keyword splashing.

What We Strive to do ?

Local SEO

1. Local SEO

Some small businesses aim to sell their products worldwide, now there lies the mistake that most businesses make, especially when starting up. You have a better chance of focusing local and then progress gradually to selling worldwide. When it comes to local Search Engine Optimisation, we start with keyword research and then move on to creating high quality content in your niche. With the analytic tools at our disposal, we are able to pull data from them and implement what we have derived from our research into your website for optimisation purposes


On-Page SEO

Long gone are the days when On page Search Engine Optimisation was just the sprinkling of keywords for ranking purposes. Even though it is still one of the easiest parts of Optimising a website, technicality is still required. Meta tags, body tags have to be applied and page loading time has to be taken in to consideration. Furthermore, link structure and website architecture play an important role when it comes to on page optimisation. For A Successful Search Engine Optimisation Campaign, it’s our duty to make sure that we fully implement on page Optimisation for a successful campaign .

Off Page SEO

Off-Page SEO

Some Search Engine Optimisation Experts call it Off-Page Optimising and other like to refer to it as Off-Site Optimising, to us the difference is the same. So what is Off-page SEO. This is how we understand it. What you do off page that helps your Optimise your site and help in its ranking, this happens when other websites link to your website . Link Building is an important part of Optimising and involves a lot of things such as GMD(Google My Business, writing quality content that people link to, creating infographics etc.

Benefits of Content Writing


1. Drives Traffic To Your Website

Well written content that is optimised and regularly updated will drive traffic to your website organically over a period of time. All SEO metrics point to regularly updated quality content been one of the major ranking factors. 

2. Increase Conversion Rates

Having the art of writing great copy is one thing, but coupling great content writing with SEO fundamentals such as adding relevant keywords, linking to relevant resources, to name a few is what sets you apart. 

3. Reduce Bounce Rate

By having content that is targeted for your audience, your website won’t have potential customers leaving your page immediately after visiting your page because of  them finding the information on the page irrelevant. 

Increase Number Of Backlinks

Most people, whenever the come across content that they feel is relevant to them, their community or organisations they are close with, the usually share that content. This process leads to a natural increase in backlinks. Backlinks are a ranking factor. 

A Few Areas Our Copywriting Would Be Of Help

Website Copy Content Writing Packages



Per Website Page 

  •  1 hour Consultation
  • SEO Page Title & Meta Data Descriptions
    Competitor Research 
  • Up to 2 Revisions
  • Targeted Keywords
  • Professional Proofreading 
  • 500 words 



5 Page Website Copy 

  •  1 hour Consultation
  • SEO Page Title & Meta Data Descriptions
    Competitor Research 
  • Up to 2 Revisions
  • Targeted Keywords
  • Professional Proofreading
  • 500 words  



10 Page Website Copy

  •  1 hour Consultation
  • SEO Page Title & Meta Data Descriptions
    Competitor Research 
  • Up to 2 Revisions
  • Targeted Keywords
  • Professional Proofreading
  • 500 words 

Blog Copywriting Packages

Google likes fresh content hence why most organisations love to regularly  update their content. 



2 Blogs Per Month

  •  1 hour Consultation
  • Topic Research 
  • SEO Page Title & Meta Data Descriptions
    Competitor Research 
  • Up to 1 Revisions
  • Targeted Keywords
  • Professional Proof reading 
  • 400 words 
  • Monthly Reporting 



4 Blogs Per Month

  •  1 hour Consultation
  • Topic Research 
  • SEO Page Title & Meta Data Descriptions
    Competitor Research 
  • Up to 2 Revisions
  • Targeted Keywords
  • Professional Proof reading 
  • 400 words 
  • Monthly Reporting 



5 Blogs Per Month

  •  1 hour Consultation
  • Topic Research 
  • 2 Blogs 600 – 1000 words
  • 3 Blogs 400 words
  • SEO Page Title & Meta Data Descriptions
    Competitor Research 
  • Up to 2 Revisions
  • Targeted Keywords
  • Professional Proof reading  
  • Monthly Reporting 

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